
Exercise… A scam?

I really don’t have a perfect intro so please happily insert the intro you want into this place: ___________________________________________. I hope the space is enough tho. *gasps for air* “exercising is fun”!! So they said. I’m still waiting for the fun part. While holding my belly and trying to breath as fast as my lungs… Continue reading Exercise… A scam?


For the love of Beans

A lot of people dislike beans (reference; personal observation) In elementary school, you could not say that your best food was beans because you’ll be tagged gross. Maybe just in my school. People’s favorite foods were usually fried rice and chicken or jollof or coconut rice. No one claimed to love beans on the outside.… Continue reading For the love of Beans


Life as a mixed breed

Most people love “half casts”(definition: people who are from parents of different races) however I’m a mixed breed here in Nigeria. I’m a Nigerian, but my parents are from different tribes in Nigeria. Going all the way back to their marriage, It was very hard because people tend to marry from their own tribe or… Continue reading Life as a mixed breed